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Digits : WordPress Mobile Phone Number OTP Signup and Login Form

Digits is compatible with all the latest versions of BuddyPress, WooCommerce and every other plugin. The list on Envato (Codecanyon) is not the latest, so there is no way for us to select the latest version in item details.

Introduction to Digits: WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login

Digits: WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login is a game-changer for WordPress websites that want to simplify their user registration and login process. It’s no secret that remembering passwords can be a hassle, and Digits takes away that pain by allowing users to sign up and log in using their mobile numbers. This plugin is not just user-friendly, but it also provides an extra layer of security for your WordPress site. Let’s dive in and see why you should consider incorporating Digits into your website.

Key Features and Benefits

Digits packs a punch with its powerful features designed to enhance both user experience and security. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Seamless Integration: Works flawlessly with all major WordPress themes and plugins.
  • OTP Verification: Ensures the authenticity of users via One-Time Passwords sent to their mobile numbers.
  • Ease of Use: Users can sign up and log in without dealing with complex password requirements.
  • Security: Offers an added layer of security by tying user accounts to verified mobile numbers.
  • Customization: Flexible settings allow you to match the look and feel to your website’s design.
  • Multi-Lingual Support: Translate the plugin into multiple languages for a global reach.

Compatibility Across Platforms

One of the standout features of Digits is its broad compatibility. It works perfectly with Free WordPress themes, making it ideal for those who are just starting out. It’s also well-suited for premium themes and plugins found on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, ensuring that regardless of your existing setup, Digits will integrate smoothly.

Improving User Experience

When you’re considering Free WordPress Downloads from platforms like Festinger Vault, it’s crucial to think about user experience. Digits significantly simplifies the user journey by eliminating the need for traditional passwords. Users can log in faster, and you can offer a more streamlined service. Happy users are loyal users, so investing in Digits is a surefire way to improve your retention rates.

Practical Tips for Implementation

Here are some practical tips to get the most out of Digits:

  • Test Before You Go Live: Always test Digits in a staging environment to ensure it integrates perfectly with your existing setup.
  • Customize OTP Messages: Tailor your OTP messages to include branded wording for a more professional appearance.
  • User Guides: Provide clear instructions for your users explaining how to use the mobile number login feature.

If you’re ready to make the leap and enhance your WordPress site user experience, consider subscribing to Festinger Vault. You’ll get access to Digits and thousands of other premium WordPress themes and plugins.


In conclusion, Digits: WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login is a must-have for anyone looking to simplify their WordPress site registration and login processes. Through enhanced security, a smoother user experience, and broad compatibility with Free WordPress themes and other tools from platforms like ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, it’s a robust solution worth investing in. So why wait? Subscribe to Festinger Vault today and unlock a treasure trove of premium WordPress downloads that will elevate your website to the next level.

Sign up now and transform your WordPress site!

  1. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Digits [core] has been updated to

  2. Please check the operation of the module, when you try to save the settings, it displays a message about an invalid purchase code

  3. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Digits [core] has been updated to

  4. It has been updated to it’s latest version, please wait 30 minutes and it will be available for your website =)

  5. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Digits [core] has been updated to

  6. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Digits [core] has been updated to

  7. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    The issue has been resolved now.

  8. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Digits [core] has been updated to 7.9.5 .

  9. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Digits [core] has been updated to

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