Genesis Custom Blocks Pro 22 1641554278 1

Genesis Custom Blocks Pro

Custom Blocks for WordPress are made easy. A WordPress Admin interface and a simple templating system for building custom Gutenberg blocks.

Custom Blocks for WordPress are made easy. A WordPress Admin interface and a simple templating system for building custom Gutenberg blocks.

  1. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Genesis Custom Blocks Pro has been updated to 1.5.0

  2. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Genesis Custom Blocks Pro has been updated to 1.8.1

  3. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Genesis Custom Blocks Pro has been updated to 1.8.3

  4. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Genesis Custom Blocks Pro has been updated to 1.8.4.

  5. Please update Genesis Custom Blocks Pro 1.8.4 to 1.8.5. @Steve

  6. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. We’re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as it’s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

    Meanwhile, please have a look at this thread which explains the entire process. :slight_smile:

  7. Hey @Martin , I installed this plugin and this is actually Genesis Blocks Pro, NOT custom blocks pro. The former doesn’t actually allow you to add custom blocks, and those are 2 seporate plugins. Could you clarify and upload the “custom blocks pro” one? Thanks.

  8. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Genesis Custom Blocks Pro has been updated to 1.5.1.

  9. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Thanks for reporting, The file has been replaced . Please redownload and install the plugin now.

  10. Avatar for Steve Steve says:

    Genesis Custom Blocks Pro has been updated to 1.6.0.

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100% Functional


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