Orion Sms Otp Verification 61 1635672093 1
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Works with multiple form at a time
TWILIO support
TWILIO OTP + Woocommerce SMS
This plugin allows you to verify mobile number by sending a one time OTP to the user entered mobile number.
You can verify mobile number on a registration form( Tested with plugins Contact Form 7, User Registration, Ultimate Member, Profile Builder, Profile Press, RegistrationMagic ). It will not allow the form to be submitted before completing the OTP verification.
This plugin uses a third party API call called Twillio And MSG91 to send messages ( http://control.msg91.com ). All you have to do is get your auth key from MSG91 or Twillio to send messages from the below link:
User can also reset his/her password using mobile OTP.
Provides an option to choose between OTP Route and Transactional Route to send OTP
You have an option to use this plugin for one country or even multiple countries at a time
User can enter the country code at the front end, making it possible to receive OTP for multiple countries
You get to verify the user’s mobile number using mobile OTP on WOOCOMMERCE checkout page before he can place the order. This will verify the authenticity of the mobile number
You also have an option to send and receive Order SMS at the time of Order Processing, Order Cancelled, Order on Hold, Order Completed. Your custom messages that you write here will automatically go when the order status changes. You can also trigger the SMS, when you change the status of the order from woo-commerce order page.
You can also send customized messages on Order SMS
This plugin has been tested with WordPress default theme Twentyseventeen along with the top 6 forms plugins( with their versions available at the time of release ) and works successfully:
1-Contact Form 7
2-User Registration -User Profile, Membership and More
3-Ultimate Member
4-Profile Builder -User registration & user profile
5-Profile Press

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We provide technical support for Orion SMS OTP Verification through our community forums. Do you need support? Visit this link and post your issue!

Start the discussion at meta.festingervault.com

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