Smart Otp Phone Validator And Email Verification 53 1605519763 1
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Smart OTP offers the solutions to  verify email and phone number easily , free of charge. That means your lead data will be more accurate with email verification & phone validation methods. Email Verification Send the OTP verification code to customer’s email. 100% inbox rate.. Phone Number Validation Send the OTP code to customer’s phone number, fast, all country supported.. You’re confused, right? In short, all the data you get on your website. They all  LEAD TO SALES Wrong data or untrusted information will cause false calls and the wrong person, even not exist! So, SMART OTP will send the verification code to the customer’s email – phone number. Through the solutions below, you will receive the more accurate customer’s info. Our plugin integrated with  WooCommerce – Digital product type , where you can have your customer  download the free files directly , right away by subscribe to your service by phone or email. and we will verify it for you through SMART OTP. Instead of going step by step of normal checkout, after lead verified, the customer can  download the free files directly on the product page . Your customer won’t need to go to other page, and you still capture the verified information, it’s email and phone number. Are you tired of receiving the fake orders from the competitors or ones who just make the order for fun? Smart OTP will verify the orders, one by one, and it will automatically change the order status to the status you want. I.e: change the order status from received to processing, automatically. This will help you verify every lead from the beginning, and forget about lead checking and stop wasting money in ineffective calls.

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