Wish Front Style Frontend Font Changer And Styler 93 1671795597 1

[WISH] Front Style – Frontend Font Changer & Styler

Note: This item is currently unavailable for download as it has been submitted as a wish. All our customers have the opportunity to vote for their favorite wishes. If there is sufficient demand, we will consider adding it to our repository. Please refer to our guide.

By installing this plugin, a panel showed in website that users will be able to change the Font Size of the text to view better texts in different screens.
In addition, users can select the desired Font Family from the font list that defined in the plugin settings and view the contents of the website with that font family.
Other feature is adding night mode to the website, this feature set the text color and background color of the website in night mode and users can easily switch to Night Mode in one click.

Start the discussion at meta.festingervault.com

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