Wish Memberpress Woocommerce Plus 23 1679081931 1

Note: This item is currently unavailable for download as it has been submitted as a wish. All our customers have the opportunity to vote for their favorite wishes. If there is sufficient demand, we will consider adding it to our repository. Please refer to our guide.

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MemberPress WooCommerce Plus integrates MemberPress & WooCommerce and allows you to sell MemberPress memberships via the WooCommerce platform.

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We provide technical support for [WISH] MemberPress WooCommerce Plus through our community forums. Do you need support? Visit this link and post your issue!

  1. Avatar for Andre Andre says:

    That plugin is (imho) currently the only one supporting a comprehensive and useful connection between Memberpress and Woocommerce, and it is moreover recommended by the Memberpress authors. I think this plugin should urgently be provided by festinger because it it essential for connecting these two flagship plugins, which are used by a lot of wordpress admins.

    Maybe another plugin of the same authors should be added too, because it belongs functionally to the requested plugin:

    Memberpress WooCommerce Plus – Membership Discounts AddOn

    Readers, please vote for that!

    Thanks festinger in advance!

  2. Avatar for Andre Andre says:

    Unfortunately i have to buy that plugin now because it is not listed on festinger and no reaction came from you whether it is planned to add it. I hope you think about to add that plugin to your repo. I think a lot of people want and need to connect woocommerce and memberpress – two of the most popular wordpress plugins.

  3. Have you checked our request policy?

  4. Avatar for Andre Andre says:

    Yes, i have read it. i did not really expect a reply from you, but somehow i was hoping for a reaction. I find it is not the best solution when one can post a wish and then nothing happens for long time, especially nobody knows whether and when your team attaches the plugin some importance or not any. A short review of the wish and a short statement what you think about would be very helpful to decide whether to wait for some votes or to look for an alternative. Especially for widely used and very popular plugins, or plugins working as addon/connector for/between such plugins, that are no niche products, you have maybe already an assessment in mind.

    Also i think, the necessity of voting as requirement for a plugin to be added in future is not clear for each visitor. Who reads the request guidelines when only searching for a plugin? I at least did not know that fact before you told me that i have to vote even for my own wish a few weeks before. I thought the wishlist is considered by your team independently of any user interaction, by other factors than primarily the amount of votes.

  5. Thanks for the feedback @Andre and you’re always free to open an idea in the ‘Ideas’ section, as we’re always open to see if things can be improved.

  6. Any sign of this one being added? As the previous poster says, its a great plugin that connects both Woo & Memberpress – the only one that does it well. Please add it!

Continue the discussion at meta.festingervault.com

