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Allow your donors to easily opt-in to your cause’s  ConvertKit  forms and tags when giving. Donors can be added to a specific form that you can set for all donations or on a per-donation form basis. About ConvertKit for Give The Give ConvertKit Add-on provides flexible functionality that allows you to set global and per-form settings for various subscription options. The plugin allows you to select a ConvertKit form and one or more tags that donors will be automatically subscribed to when giving. For instance, if you have a specific form in ConvertKit titled “Free eBook” you can subscribe donors to this campaign and then tag them “Donor” and “Website”. This keeps your email marketing organized and allows you to easily identify subscribers that came from your website. You also have the ability to enable a “global” newsletter list, which all donors can have the option of opting into on all donation forms. Setting up the plugin is a breeze. All you need is to enter your API key, select your options, and you’re set. Why ConvertKit Email marketing can directly contribute to the fundraising abilities of individuals and nonprofits. ConvertKit provides an easy-to-use yet powerful email marketing platform that has continued to gain popularity. The platform was built with bloggers in mind, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a blogger in the traditional sense to use ConvertKit. Many business owners, course creators, and of course nonprofits successfully use the platform. Give ConvertKit Add-on Features The Give Add-on makes integrating your Give Donation Forms with your ConvertKit forms and tags painless with these great features: Easy setup using your ConvertKit API key All your forms and tags are pulled directly into your Give Settings Powerful global default settings allow for granular control Per Form override settings for more finite control Donors can opt-in to your newsletter by just checking a box. Simple!

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  1. Give: ConvertKit has been updated to 1.0.3. You can download this version from here.

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