Wish Tablepress Pro 44 1678191499 1

Note: This item is currently unavailable for download as it has been submitted as a wish. All our customers have the opportunity to vote for their favorite wishes. If there is sufficient demand, we will consider adding it to our repository. Please refer to our guide.

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TablePress is the most popular and highest rated WordPress table plugin. It allows you to easily create and manage beautiful tables on your website. You can embed the tables into posts, pages, or other site areas using a block in the block editor. Table data can be edited in a spreadsheet-like interface, without any coding. Tables can contain any type of data, even math formulas that will be evaluated. Additional features like sorting, pagination, and filtering make it easy for site visitors to interact with the table data. Tables can be imported and exported from/to Excel, CSV, HTML, and JSON files.

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We provide technical support for [WISH] TablePress Pro through our community forums. Do you need support? Visit this link and post your issue!

  1. Hey,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion for our WordPress Items Wishlist.

    Please do not forget to vote for your own item :wink:

    Your item will be considered to be added to our 8000+ themes and plugins repository.

    Please check our request policy:


  2. Hi,

    I would LOVE to have the following item added to the Festinger Vault:

    TablePress Pro

    I have worked with it and it is IMO superior to Ninja Tables or WP Datatables.
    I have used it to display a LOT of Google sheets (with conditional row/cell highlighting and autoupdates every 15 minutes) in one project and came to appreciate its lightweight, nobloat code and minimal impact on performance vs the competitors.

    Absolutely recommend this.

  3. Hey,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion for our WordPress Items Wishlist.

    Please do not forget to vote for your own item :wink:

    Your item will be considered to be added to our 8000+ themes and plugins repository.

    Please check our request policy:


  4. I merged your request with the topic for TablePress Pro =)

  5. I also added it to our main website to gain extra exposure for those who would love to have this one added too :wink:

  6. Please add this. Voted

  7. Would love to have TablePress Max please :slight_smile:

  8. Yeah, they changed the pricing model. Max is the package that is needed now.
    One of the most important features, Automatic Periodic Table Import from external sources, is now only part of Tablepress Max.

    @Martin how do the chances of this plugin getting added to the vault look like lately?

Continue the discussion at meta.festingervault.com

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